Do u know the relation between smile and your face? Your face looks good with a smile but smile looks more good when it is on your face...So keep smiling.
YOU look Sweet when You read my SMS, Sweeter when You read n Smile… But You look Sweetest when You read, Smile n Reply.. ) So try 2 look Sweetest always.
In each single day, we smile & laugh so many times! We never thank god after every smile! But we do blame him for every tear we cry!! How strange but true!!
I know wat u were wearing today! I saw it d other day & on many occasions.. U dont even make an effort to change it! U look sweet in it.. Its ur SMILE! Wear it always! :-)
Hi! Will U Plz do me a favor, if U r not Busy,If U don't Mind & it doesn't takemuch of U'r time, Will U Plz????? . . . . . SMILE for a moment! Ya exactly like this.
Smile is d best credit card coz- 1- Accepted worldwide 2- Auto reload 3- Unlimited usage 4- No payment at all 5- Makes everyone happy.. So keep smiling! :-)