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Most Popular People Facts Wishes
Viewed: All time: 14964 times, Week: 297 times
8 Years Ago | 20 shares | By Piyush

40% of women have hurled footwear at a man.

7 Years Ago | 11 shares | By Love

In UTAH husbands are responsible for the criminal acts that wives commit in their presence.

8 Years Ago | 6 shares | By Divya

Charlie chaplin's body was once stolen from its grave and held for ransom

8 Years Ago | 25 shares | By Shiba

Babies smile an average of 200 times a day, the average woman smiles 62 times a day & the average man only 8.

7 Years Ago | 14 shares | By Pramod

Usually you argue with the people you care about,
people avoid fights completely when they are no longer interested emotionally.

7 Years Ago | 5 shares | By Saurabh

When men listen to women's voices, it activates the same part of the brain, that processes the sound of music.

8 Years Ago | 7 shares | By Rahul

95% of people agree with someone just to shut them up.

6 Years Ago | 17 shares | By Love

The happier you are, the less sleep you require to function in everyday life. Sadness increases the urge to sleep more.

8 Years Ago | 8 shares | By Vivek

Your shoes are the first thing people subconsciously notice about you.. So wear nice shoes!

8 Years Ago | 10 shares | By Jyotsana

There are some People who can remember everyday of their lives, the condition is called Hyperthymesia.

9 Years Ago | 3 shares | By Gaurav

Muhammad Ali once talked a man out of comitting suicide right before he was about to jump.

6 Years Ago | 31 shares | By Neeraj

Bob Marley's last words were ' Money can't buy Life'

7 Years Ago | 10 shares | By Bhramita

If you are not loosing friends, then you're not growing up..

6 Years Ago | 9 shares | By Agha

People who are considered extremely creative tend to sleep more.

8 Years Ago | 11 shares | By Sakshi

Everyone has experienced something that has changed them in a way that they could never go back to the person they once were.

7 Years Ago | 16 shares | By Sucheta

Women who use their appearance as a basis for self worth tend to post more photos of themselves online.

7 Years Ago | 20 shares | By Abhijeet

Doctor's sloppy handwriting kills more than 7000 people annually.

10 Years Ago | 4 shares | By Kanishk

Justin Timberlake was the voice behind Mc Donald's I'm Lovin' It ! . He was paid $6m for this song.

6 Years Ago | 12 shares | By Vivek

People are generally more honest when physically tired. This is why people confess things during late night conversations.

9 Years Ago | 4 shares | By Abhishek

Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, never called his wife or mother because they were both deaf.

9 Years Ago | 6 shares | By Priyanka

J.K. Rowling lost her billionaire status after donating a large portion of her money to charity.

7 Years Ago | 20 shares | By Varun

Children laugh about 400 times a day while an adult laughs an average 15 times a day.

8 Years Ago | 21 shares | By Monika

According to a Uk Survey women think about their appearance an average of 9 times everyday.

8 Years Ago | 12 shares | By Harish

Spoken words only consists 7% of human communication while the other 93% is solely body language.

7 Years Ago | 12 shares | By Chandan

People who are sad or depressed are likely to spend more money than those who are happy.

8 Years Ago | 6 shares | By Bhawesh

1 out of every 100 people are psychopaths and they look just like everybody else.

6 Years Ago | 9 shares | By Abhay

The person who tries to keep everyone happy, often ends up feeling the loneliest.

8 Years Ago | 5 shares | By Sourabh

Einstein couldn't speak fluently when he was nine. His parents thought he might be retarded.

9 Years Ago | 5 shares | By Shobhit

55% of people will yawn after reading the word 'Yawn'.

9 Years Ago | 5 shares | By Varun

Croatian teenager girl woke up from a coma unable to speak her native language but can speak fluent German.

  Showing 1 - 30 of 44

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Top Contributors

Points Rank Wishes
Saurabh 560 15 560
Jyotsana 546 16 546
Rahul 539 19 539
Sanjay 525 23 525
Love 522 25 522
Kanishk 521 26 521
Piyush 519 27 519
Harish 516 30 516
Neeraj 512 32 512
Monika 510 35 510